Me talking about me:

Hi, I am Ivo van der Veen. I’m a guy who likes to program and make art. In the future I would like to make games because that would combine both of my hobbies perfectly. And besides that, making games does sound cool, doesn’t it?


I started off programming when I was nine (2014). The games I made back then were simple games made using Scratch. After scratch I started learning to type my code using GameMaker. The first game I finished using GameMaker was Duck Game. I worked on it for more than a year and even released it to a little GitHub website when it was done. (2017)

Then things slowed down a bit since I had just switched from primary school to high school which took some getting used to. The next year I made Privacy Please, (2018) which was the last game I made using GameMaker. Afterwards I moved on to learning Unity and C#. I started many projects and games in unity but never saw one through to the end.

I started finishing things again when I started having computing science lessons at school. (2020) These were very basic and didn't pose much of a challenge to me, but they did motivate me to code more. The teacher made us program in Qbasic, I picked up the language so fast that the teacher challenged me to recreate monopoly using the language which I did to his surprise.

The next year we used on to more useful things and started making websites using CSS and HTML. That is when this portfolio website started.

In the summer break after that year, I started playing around with Arduinos and made rock paper scissors and a doorbell that sends messages on discord. The following year we learned about databases, and I created Shape a social media platform that used a database to store all its account and post data.

The last notable development in my coding experience is me starting to practice C++ since the start of 2022. This has led to a lot of practice programs one of which I have featured on this site.

Ivo van der Veen

Age: 19 years old

Languages: Dutch and English

Study: Creative Media and Game Technologies at Breda University of Applied Sciences

Programming experience

Programming languages:

  • C++
  • C#
  • Javascript
  • Html
  • CSS
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Qbasic


  • Unity3D
  • Unreal engine
  • Gamemaker

Art experience


  • Krita
  • Blender


  • Pencil
  • Charcoal
  • Pen